Tag: capillary force
Paper online (Powder Tech) on wet granular packing
Wang, Z., Pereira, J.M., Gan, Y. (2020) Packing of wet monodisperse spheres. Powder Technology, in press. [DOI] Abstract: We experimentally investigated the packing of wet monodisperse spheres with controlled falling height. The packing fraction are found to decrease with smaller grain size and free fall height. A model describing the effects of interparticle force and falling…
Honour thesis student awarded with poster prize
Mr Xu Wang, an honour thesis student working on numerical modelling of capillary forces between rough interfaces in our group, has been awarded with John Main 2nd Prize for Poster Presentation event on 3 November, 2017. The Poster Presentation 2017 is the School of Civil Engineering’ major annual event to showcase the research undertaken by…
Manuscript accepted (Langmuir)
A manuscript has been accepted by Langmuir on a theoretical analysis of capillary penetration in porous media: Liu, M., Wu, J., Gan,Y., Hanaor, D., Chen, C. (2016). Evaporation limited radial capillary penetration in porous media. Langmuir. in press. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02404 Figure: (a) Schematic illustration of an annular porous medium fed by inner and outer reservoirs. (b) Calculated phase diagram of…
Paper online, IJMMD
Flores-Johnson, E.A., Wang, S., Maggi, F., El Zein, A., Gan, Y., Nguyen, G.D., Shen, L. (2016) Discrete element simulation of dynamic behaviour of partially saturated sand. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. in press. [DOI] Abstract The discrete element method (DEM) together with the finite element method (FEM) in LS-DYNA was employed…