Tag: PhD
Congratulations to Si Suo for the poster award
Last week, Mr Si Suo won the second prize for Student Research Poster Event 2018 at School of Civil Engineering. Si is a first year PhD student working on multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Congratulations to Si!
Congrats to Dr. Zhai
Chongpu has successfully passed the thesis examination and recently received the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering and Information Technologies) at the University of Sydney. His PhD dissertation entitled “Stress-dependent Electrical Conduction in Granular Materials” can be downloaded here via [PDF]. Dr Zhai (photo below) has joined Johns Hopkins University as a Postdoctoral researcher. We…
Chongpu and Shuoqi submitted their theses
In the past few weeks, Mr Chongpu Zhai has just submitted his PhD thesis titled “Stress-dependent electrical conduction in granular materials” to summarise his PhD work from 2014. Ms Shuoqi (Sharon) Li has also submitted her MPhil thesis titled “The distribution of saturated clusters in wetted granular materials” for the research conducted in the past…
Ms Yongmei Zhang joined the group
Ms Yongmei Zhang has just started her PhD program in March, 2017, and she will work on the mechanics of interfaces. Yongmei graduated with Master of Engineering in Solid Mechanics from the School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 2016.
Chongpu presented at IEEE Holm Conference and won Young Investigator Award
Mr Chongpu Zhai (a PhD candidate) presented our work on “Stress-dependent frequency response of conductive granular materials” at The IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts (9-12 October, 2016, Florida USA) and won the Young Investigator Award. Well done and Congratulations, Chongpu. The paper was co-authored by Chongpu Zhai, Dorian Hanaor, Gwénaëlle Proust, and Yixiang Gan, at The…
Mr Mojtaba Nazemi joined the group
Mr Mojtaba Nazemi started his PhD programme in Semester 2, 2016, and he will work on the mechanics of degradation and healing in cemented granular materials. Mojtaba graduated with MSc(Eng) from the School of Civil Engineering, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Iran 2015 and BSc (Eng) from the School of Civil Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University…
Mr Zhang (Simon) Shi joined the group
Mr Simon Shi started his PhD programme in Semester 2, 2016, and he will work on the micromechanics of partially saturated soils. Simon graduated with BEng (Honour) from School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, 2015.
Mr Noor Mohammad joined the group
Mr Noor Mohammad will start his PhD programme in Semester 1, 2016, and he will work on mass transport in unsaturated soils. Noor graduated with MEngSc degree from Monash University, 2015.
Weijing won 2nd Prize in Poster Presentation 2015
Congratulations to Weijing, who won Annie B Wilson 2nd Prize in Civil Engineering Poster Presentation 2015 last Friday. The presentation has been selected by academic members from around 50 posters by postgraduate (PhD and MPhil) and undergraduate students.
Mr Weijing Dai joined the group
Mr Weijing Dai, a new PhD student, joined the group in Feb, 2015. He finished his Bachelor of Engineering degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2012, and MPhil degree at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2014. His research project will focus on developing novel thermal measurement techniques for heterogeneous materials.