Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Paper online on Static friction at fractal interfaces (Tribology International)

    Paper online on Static friction at fractal interfaces (Tribology International)

    Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan, and Itai Einav. “Static friction at fractal interfaces.” Tribology International (in press). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 Abstract: Tribological phenomena are governed by combined effects of material properties, topology and surface-chemistry. We study the interplay of multiscale surface structures with molecular-scale interactions towards interpreting static frictional interactions at fractal interfaces. By spline-assisted-discretization we analyse asperity interactions…

  • Paper online (Extreme Mechanics Letters) on wrinkling in defected metal thin films

    Paper online (Extreme Mechanics Letters) on wrinkling in defected metal thin films

    Flores-Johnson, E. A., Rupert, T. J., Hemker, K. J., Gianola, D. S., & Gan, Y. (2015). Modelling wrinkling interactions produced by patterned defects in metal thin films. Extreme Mechanics Letters. In press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eml.2015.07.002 Abstract Wrinkling patterns in freestanding metal thin films under tensile loading are investigated through finite-element simulations with experimental validation. Numerical simulations of…

  • Mr Weijing Dai joined the group

    Mr Weijing Dai, a new PhD student, joined the group in Feb, 2015. He finished his Bachelor of Engineering degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2012, and MPhil degree at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2014. His research project will focus on developing novel thermal measurement techniques for heterogeneous materials.

  • Paper accepted (J Engineering Mechanics) on electrical contact resistance

    Paper accepted (J Engineering Mechanics) on electrical contact resistance

    Title: Stress-Dependent Electrical Contact Resistance at Fractal Rough Surfaces Author(s): Chongpu Zhai , Dorian Hanaor , Gwénaëlle Proust , Yixiang Gan Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), in press. [DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000967] Figure: Stress-dependent Electrical Contact Resistance (ECR) of different surfaces under various loading levels.

  • Paper accepted (IJSS) on contact mechanics of rough surfaces

    Paper accepted (IJSS) on contact mechanics of rough surfaces

    Title: “Contact mechanics of fractal surfaces by spline assisted discretization.” Author(s): Hanaor, Dorian; Gan, Yixiang; Einav, Itai. International Journal of Solids and Structures (in press). [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.01.021] Figure: Contact mechanics of self-affine surfaces.

  • Paper accepted (Langmuir) on scalable surface area characterisation

    Paper accepted (Langmuir) on scalable surface area characterisation

    Title: “Scalable surface area characterisation by electrokinetic analysis of complex anion adsorption” [DOI: 10.1021/la503581e]  Author(s): Hanaor, Dorian; Ghadiri, Maliheh; Chrzanowski, Wojciech; Gan, Yixiang Figure 1. SEM micrographs of Al2O3 powders used in the present study.

  • Article online, Journal of Nuclear Mateirals

    Article online, Journal of Nuclear Mateirals

    Dorian Hanaor, Matthias Kolb, Yixiang Gan, Marc Kamlah, Regina Knitter (2014). Solution based synthesis of mixed-phase materials in the Li2TiO3 -Li4SiO4 system. Journal of Nuclear Materials (in press). DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.09.028 Figure: XRD pattern for hydroxide-route-synthesised material of L3TS composition subsequent to drying at 180°C. (b) Temperature varied XRD for hydroxide route synthesised L3TS material. From front towards…

  • Paper on arXiv: Normal contact stiffness

    Chongpu Zhai, Sébastien Bevand, Yixiang Gan, Dorian Hanaor, Gwénaëlle Proust, Bruno Guelorget, Delphine Retraint (2014) Measurement of normal contact stiffness of fractal rough surfaces. We investigate the effects of roughness and fractality on the normal contact stiffness of rough surfaces. Samples of isotropically roughened aluminium surfaces are considered. The roughness and fractal dimension were altered…

  • Ms Yi Zhang joined the group

    Ms Yi Zhang, a new Master of Philosophy student, joined the group in August, 2014. She finished her Bachelor of Engineering in China University of Geosciences(Wuhan) in June 2014. Her research project will focus on the liquid bridges between soil grains and connect grain-scale measurement to large-scale geotechnical problems, such as landslides.

  • Paper online (FST)

    Gan, Y., Hernandez, F., Hanaor, D., Annabattula, R., Kamlah, M., & Pereslavtsev, P. (2014). Thermal Discrete Element Analysis of EU Solid Breeder Blanket Subjected to Neutron Irradiation. Fusion Science and Technology, 66(1), 83-90. [DOI] Annabattula, R. K., Kolb, M., Gan, Y., Rolli, R., & Kamlah, M. (2014). Size-Dependent Crush Analysis of Lithium Orthosilicate Pebbles. Fusion Science and Technology, 66(1),…

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