Tag: non-spherical particles

  • Paper online (Int J Solids and Structures) on rough sphere contacts

    Wei, D., Zhai, C., Hanaor, D., Gan, Y. (2020) Contact behaviour of simulated rough spheres generated with spherical harmonic. International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press. [DOI] Abstract: Normal contact behaviour between non-adhesive fractal rough particles is studied using a finite element method (FEM). A series of spherical grain surfaces with distinguished roughness features are…

  • Paper accepted (Eng Fracture Mech) on non-spherical particle breakage

    Paper accepted (Eng Fracture Mech) on non-spherical particle breakage

    Wei, D., Zhao, B., Dias-da-Costa, D., Gan, Y. (2019) An FDEM study of particle breakage under rotational point loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. In press. [DOI] Abstract: The most commonly adopted method to test the strength of single sand particles is based on platen experiments. This setup tends to align the loading direction towards the particle minimum…

  • Paper online (Fusion Eng. Des.) on ellipsoidal DEM

    Paper online (Fusion Eng. Des.) on ellipsoidal DEM

    Moscardinia, M., Gan, Y., Annabattula, R.K., Kamlah M. (2017) A Discrete Element Method to simulate the mechanical behavior of ellipsoidal particles for a fusion breeding blanket. Fusion Engineering and Design. 121: 22-31. [DOI][PDF:046_FED_2017_M] Abstract: The breeder materials proposed for the solid tritium breeding blanket concepts are ceramic lithium-based compounds in the form of pebble beds. Different fabrication…