Tag: packing

  • Paper online (Powder Tech) on wet granular packing

    Paper online (Powder Tech) on wet granular packing

    Wang, Z., Pereira, J.M., Gan, Y. (2020) Packing of wet monodisperse spheres. Powder Technology, in press. [DOI] Abstract: We experimentally investigated the packing of wet monodisperse spheres with controlled falling height. The packing fraction are found to decrease with smaller grain size and free fall height. A model describing the effects of interparticle force and falling…

  • Paper accepted (Powder Tech.) on packing structures

    Paper accepted (Powder Tech.) on packing structures

    Title: X-ray tomography investigations of mono-sized sphere packing structures in cylindrical containers Author(s): Joerg Reimann, Jerome Vicente, Emmanuel Brun, Claudio Ferrero, Yixiang Gan, Alexander Rack Powder Technology, in press. [DOI] Abstract: The structure of mono-sized sphere packings (diameter d) in cylindrical containers (diameter D and height H) both with and without inner cylinders (diameter Di)…