Tag: SDT

  • Paper accepted (Adv. Mat. Interfaces) on droplet motion on wedges

    Wang, Z., Owais, A., Neto, C., Pereira, J.M., Gan, Y. (2020) Enhancing Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Tailored Wedge Design. Advanced Materials Interfaces, in press. Abstract: Spontaneous liquid transport has a wide variety of applications, including fog harvesting, microfluidics, and water-oil separation. Understanding of the droplet movement dynamics on structured surfaces is essential…

  • Endeavour Executive Leadership Awards

    Endeavour Executive Leadership Awards

    Dr Gan is among the recipients of the recently announced Endeavour Executive Leadership Awards, supported by Australian Government Department of Education and Training. This award will enable him to work with Professor Dominic Vella at the Mathematical Institute in the University of Oxford, on project related to spontaneous directional transport (SDT) of liquids. This collaboration…