Liu, M., Gan, Y., Hanaor, D., Liu, B., and Chen, C. (2015) An improved semi-analytical solution for stress at round-tip notches. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 149, 134-142. [DOI]
Abstract: In order to investigate the brittle failure of key-hole-notched components, the stress distribution at notch tips is studied numerically and theoretically. A semi-analytical formula is developed for the maximum notch-tip-stress, incorporating crack-tip-blunting, stress-concentration and stress-equilibrium. Stress distributions in notched plates are simulated by the finite-element method, showing improved accuracy of the formula relative to established solutions. Application of the developed equation to components containing U-notches and blunt V-notches, is explored, demonstrating its broad applicability. When combined with stress-based failure criteria, the semi-analytical model can be employed to assess brittle failure in notched components with significance toward fracture in heterogeneous materials.
Keywords: Key-hole notches; Crack tip blunting; Stress concentration; Stress equilibrium; Failure criterion
Figure: (a) Standard crack (black solid line) and Key-hole notch (red dash line) together with their Cartesian coordinate system; and (b) the tip stress distributions along the bisector for the crack (black solid line) and notch (red dot-dash line). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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