Tag: contact mechanics

  • Paper online (Int J Solids and Structures) on rough sphere contacts

    Wei, D., Zhai, C., Hanaor, D., Gan, Y. (2020) Contact behaviour of simulated rough spheres generated with spherical harmonic. International Journal of Solids and Structures, in press. [DOI] Abstract: Normal contact behaviour between non-adhesive fractal rough particles is studied using a finite element method (FEM). A series of spherical grain surfaces with distinguished roughness features are…

  • Paper online (Int J Mech Sci) on contact mechancis

    Paper online (Int J Mech Sci) on contact mechancis

    Zhai, C., Hanaor, Gan, Y. (2017) Contact stiffness of multiscale surfaces by truncation analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 131–132: 305–316. [DOI][PDF:048_IJMS_2017] Abstract: In this paper, we study the contact stiffness of a fractal rough surface compressed by a rigid flat plane. A numerical model based on the analysis of flat punch indentation is proposed for simulated hierarchical surfaces,…

  • Papers accepted (EML, AIP advances, and NME)

    [1] Chongpu Zhai, Dorian Hanaor, Gwénaëlle Proust, Laurence Brassart, Yixiang Gan (2016). Interfacial electro-mechanical behaviour at rough surfaces. Extreme Mechanics Letters. in press. DOI [2] Mingchao Liu, Jian Wu, Yixiang Gan, C.Q. Chen (2016). The pore-load modulus of ordered nanoporous materials with surface effects.  AIP Advances. in press. [3] Raghuram Karthik Desu, Yixiang Gan, Marc Kamlah, Ratna Kumar Annabattula (2016).…

  • Paper online: The Role of Surface Structure in Normal Contact Stiffness (Experimental Mechanics)

    Paper online: The Role of Surface Structure in Normal Contact Stiffness (Experimental Mechanics)

    C. Zhai , Y. Gan, D. Hanaor, G. Proust, D. Retraint. The Role of Surface Structure in Normal Contact Stiffness. Experimental Mechanics. In press. [DOI:10.1007/s11340-015-0107-0] Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11340-015-0107-0/fulltext.html Abstract: The effects of roughness and fractality on the normal contact stiffness of rough surfaces were investigated by considering samples of isotropically roughened aluminium. Surface features of samples were…

  • Manuscripts accepted

    Three manuscripts have been accept by Géotechnique, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Experimental Mechanics, respectively. (1) Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan, Max Revay, David Airey, Itai Einav (2015). 3D Printable Geomaterials. Géotechnique (in press). (2) Mingchao Liu, Yixiang Gan, Dorian Hanaor, Bin Liu, Changqing Chen (2015). An improved semi-analytical solution for stress at round-tip notches. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (in press). (3) Chongpu Zhai, Yixiang Gan, Dorian…

  • Paper online on Static friction at fractal interfaces (Tribology International)

    Paper online on Static friction at fractal interfaces (Tribology International)

    Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan, and Itai Einav. “Static friction at fractal interfaces.” Tribology International (in press). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016 Abstract: Tribological phenomena are governed by combined effects of material properties, topology and surface-chemistry. We study the interplay of multiscale surface structures with molecular-scale interactions towards interpreting static frictional interactions at fractal interfaces. By spline-assisted-discretization we analyse asperity interactions…

  • Paper accepted (J Engineering Mechanics) on electrical contact resistance

    Paper accepted (J Engineering Mechanics) on electrical contact resistance

    Title: Stress-Dependent Electrical Contact Resistance at Fractal Rough Surfaces Author(s): Chongpu Zhai , Dorian Hanaor , Gwénaëlle Proust , Yixiang Gan Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), in press. [DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000967] Figure: Stress-dependent Electrical Contact Resistance (ECR) of different surfaces under various loading levels.

  • Paper on arXiv: Normal contact stiffness

    Chongpu Zhai, Sébastien Bevand, Yixiang Gan, Dorian Hanaor, Gwénaëlle Proust, Bruno Guelorget, Delphine Retraint (2014) Measurement of normal contact stiffness of fractal rough surfaces. We investigate the effects of roughness and fractality on the normal contact stiffness of rough surfaces. Samples of isotropically roughened aluminium surfaces are considered. The roughness and fractal dimension were altered…