Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Paper online, IJMMD

    Paper online, IJMMD

    Flores-Johnson, E.A., Wang, S., Maggi, F., El Zein, A., Gan, Y., Nguyen, G.D., Shen, L. (2016) Discrete element simulation of dynamic behaviour of partially saturated sand. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. in press. [DOI]   Abstract The discrete element method (DEM) together with the finite element method (FEM) in LS-DYNA was employed…

  • Call for Abstracts: International Workshop on Mechanics of Energy Materials (IWMEM2016)

    Dear colleagues, Please consider submit an abstract (maximum 2 pages) for your talk at the coming International Workshop on Mechanics of Energy Materials (IWMEM2016, Sydney). The deadline for the abstract submission is 15 August, 2016. You can also consider to include one figure in the abstract to highlight your research. Time and Location: 14-15 November…

  • Accepted manuscripts

    Last week, two manuscripts have been accepted by International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, respectively. [1] Flores-Johnson, E.A., Wang, S., Maggi, F., El Zein, A., Gan, Y., Nguyen, G.D., Shen, L. (2016) Discrete element simulation of dynamic behaviour of partially saturated sand. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in…

  • Mr Mojtaba Nazemi joined the group

    Mr Mojtaba Nazemi joined the group

    Mr Mojtaba Nazemi started his PhD programme in Semester 2, 2016, and he will work on the mechanics of degradation and healing in cemented granular materials. Mojtaba graduated with MSc(Eng) from the School of Civil Engineering, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Iran 2015 and BSc (Eng) from the School of Civil Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University…

  • Paper online, Int J. Engineering Science

    Paper online, Int J. Engineering Science

    Mingchao’s recent paper on pore-load modulus of coated porous media is now online. Liu, M., Zhang, Y., Wu, J., Gan, Y., Chen, C.Q. (2016) Analytical solutions for elastic response of coated mesoporous materials to pore pressure. International Journal of Engineering Science. 107:68-76. [DOI][PDF: 037_IJES_2016] Abstract Pore fluid adsorption-induced deformation of mesoporous materials is an important…

  • ACCM2015 conference papers online

    In the Proceedings of ACCM2015: [1] Kazzaz, A., Einav, I., Proust, G., Gan, Y. (2016). Effect of ground mineralogy on energy pile performance in dense sand. The 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM 2015), Switzerland: Scientific.Net. [PDF: AMM.846.325] [2] Dai, W., Gan, Y., Hanaor, D. (2016). Effective thermal conductivity of submicron powders: A numerical study.…

  • SIF2016 Conference

    SIF2016 Conference

    From 12 to 15 July, 2016, Dr Gan attended the 10th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure (SIF-2016), hosted by The University of Adelaide. At School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, he visited his previous officemate at Sydney Uni, Dr Giang Nguyen. In the conference, Dr Gan and Dr Nguyen have been both selected…

  • Two MPhil students started in Semester 2, 2016

    Two MPhil students started in Semester 2, 2016

    Mr Yanyao Bao started his MPhil programme in Semester 2, 2016, and he will work on the numerical simulations for CO2 storage in saline aquifer. Yanyao graduated with M.S. from School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 2015. (Mr Yanyao Bao)   Mr Nanwangzi (Linkin) WU graduated from The University of Sydney (2016) with B.E (Civil) degree,…

  • Mr Zhang (Simon) Shi joined the group

    Mr Zhang (Simon) Shi joined the group

    Mr Simon Shi started his PhD programme in Semester 2, 2016, and he will work on the micromechanics of partially saturated soils. Simon graduated with BEng (Honour) from School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, 2015.

  • Visitor from Hong Kong

    Visitor from Hong Kong

    Dr Yi Yang, from Hong Kong Chu Hai College, is visiting us for three months (May to August, 2016). He is currently an assistant professor at Department of Civil Engineering at the College. He obtained his PhD on micro-macro mechanisms of non-cohesive granular media from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in June 2015. He is currently…

  • Papers accepted (EML, AIP advances, and NME)

    [1] Chongpu Zhai, Dorian Hanaor, Gwénaëlle Proust, Laurence Brassart, Yixiang Gan (2016). Interfacial electro-mechanical behaviour at rough surfaces. Extreme Mechanics Letters. in press. DOI [2] Mingchao Liu, Jian Wu, Yixiang Gan, C.Q. Chen (2016). The pore-load modulus of ordered nanoporous materials with surface effects.  AIP Advances. in press. [3] Raghuram Karthik Desu, Yixiang Gan, Marc Kamlah, Ratna Kumar Annabattula (2016).…

  • Paper online: 3D Printable Geomaterials (Géotechnique)

    Paper online: 3D Printable Geomaterials (Géotechnique)

    D. HANAOR, Y. GAN, M. REVAY, D. AIREY and I. EINAV. 3D Printable Geomaterials. Géotechnique, in press. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.15.P.034 Abstract: One of the many attributes of three-dimensional (3D) printing is the ability to produce particles with independent control of morphology and material properties, parameters that are inexorably entwined in naturally occurring geomaterials. In this paper the 3D printing of…

  • ACCM2015, Brisbane

    ACCM2015, Brisbane

    30 Nov – 1 Dec, 2015, the group joined The 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM 2015) hosted in QUT, Brisbane. Six PhD students (Abraham, Chongpu, Weijing, Saba, Marigrazia and Simone) presented their work ranging from nuclear materials, granular materials, rock blasting, and contact mechanics.   BBQ dinner at Mundo Churrasco, Brisbane with colleagues from Monash…

  • Inivited seminar at Zhejiang University

    Inivited seminar at Zhejiang University

    28/10/2015, Dr Yixiang Gan gave an invited seminar at Zhejiang University, China, on “Mechanics of Compacted Granular Materials”.

  • Mr Noor Mohammad joined the group

    Mr Noor Mohammad joined the group

    Mr Noor Mohammad will start his PhD programme in Semester 1, 2016, and he will work on mass transport in unsaturated soils. Noor graduated with MEngSc degree from Monash University, 2015.

  • Weijing won 2nd Prize in Poster Presentation 2015

    Weijing won 2nd Prize in Poster Presentation 2015

    Congratulations to Weijing, who won Annie B Wilson 2nd Prize in Civil Engineering Poster Presentation 2015 last Friday. The presentation has been selected by academic members from around 50 posters by postgraduate (PhD and MPhil) and undergraduate students.

  • Paper online: An improved semi-analytical solution for stress at round-tip notches (Engineering Fracture Mechanics)

    Paper online: An improved semi-analytical solution for stress at round-tip notches (Engineering Fracture Mechanics)

    Liu, M., Gan, Y., Hanaor, D., Liu, B., and Chen, C. (2015) An improved semi-analytical solution for stress at round-tip notches. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 149, 134-142. [DOI] Abstract: In order to investigate the brittle failure of key-hole-notched components, the stress distribution at notch tips is studied numerically and theoretically. A semi-analytical formula is developed for the maximum notch-tip-stress, incorporating crack-tip-blunting,…

  • Paper online: The Role of Surface Structure in Normal Contact Stiffness (Experimental Mechanics)

    Paper online: The Role of Surface Structure in Normal Contact Stiffness (Experimental Mechanics)

    C. Zhai , Y. Gan, D. Hanaor, G. Proust, D. Retraint. The Role of Surface Structure in Normal Contact Stiffness. Experimental Mechanics. In press. [DOI:10.1007/s11340-015-0107-0] Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11340-015-0107-0/fulltext.html Abstract: The effects of roughness and fractality on the normal contact stiffness of rough surfaces were investigated by considering samples of isotropically roughened aluminium. Surface features of samples were…

  • Manuscripts accepted

    Three manuscripts have been accept by Géotechnique, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Experimental Mechanics, respectively. (1) Dorian Hanaor, Yixiang Gan, Max Revay, David Airey, Itai Einav (2015). 3D Printable Geomaterials. Géotechnique (in press). (2) Mingchao Liu, Yixiang Gan, Dorian Hanaor, Bin Liu, Changqing Chen (2015). An improved semi-analytical solution for stress at round-tip notches. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (in press). (3) Chongpu Zhai, Yixiang Gan, Dorian…

  • Visitors from KIT

    Visitors from KIT

    Mr Simone Pupeschi and Mrs Marigrazia Mascardiniare are visiting us from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, for two months. They are working on thermo-mechanical behaviour of granular materials under extreme loading conditions (stresses, high temperature, and neutron irradiation), with the applications towards self-sustained fuel cycles for nuclear fusion reactors. 

Got any book recommendations?